Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'm not quite certain yet if I will try to post here daily, or if I will be trying to post once a week.  I guess only time will tell.  Today was a pretty good day overall.  I don't normally sleep more than 6 hours, and I ended up getting a solid 8 hours last night.  It's so very nice to actually feel fully rested. 
 I had a shake for breakfast...half chocolate milk, half vanilla coconut milk with a bit of peanut butter...very yummy.  Picked up some banana for tomorrow morning's shake.  I had a bit of leftover mac and cheese and some kale salad for lunch.  Supper was grilled chicken and rice.  Today was a day off for working out.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day One.....kind of....

Okay, so I'm starting this blog a bit late.  I'm a little over 30 days into my 90 day challenge, but I need to do this in order to hold myself accountable.  I also need to do this in order to allow myself to recognize and celebrate the little accomplishments.  I have a tendency to ignore the small steps...I want to go right for the big.  I always want big results right away.  That only leads to frustration, and eventually giving up.  So, here goes......

I have been very consistent with replacing one meal a day with a shake.  I have also been trying to make certain that my other meals are portion appropriate with a good combination of food.  I have my slip up days.  I also allow myself some snack food now and indulgence days.  I will not get by on this if I don't allow myself that.  I have always found that on any kind of restrictive diet...I end up wanting the foods that I am not "allowed" to eat.  On those types of diets; I will do well for about a week or two, and then all I want is that "forbidden fruit".  Eventually I give in, and once I give in; I give up.

I will also be tracking my workouts long, and what I did.  I may or may not post photos.  I'm quite camera shy.